Uriah Bentick Soccer Academy

1 - 1 and Small Group Soccer Training

Founder and head coach, Uriah Bentick
uses his college, professional, and FIFA World Cup playing experience to offer
supplemental, club-neutral, specialized training to improve players’ foot skills, speed, and confidence.

We currently coach the following players:

  • Forwards

  • Defense

  • Wing/Wide

  • Midfielders

  • Goalies

Specialties include Finishing, Foot Skills, Speed & Agility, Dribbling, Defending, Strength & Conditioning, Juggling, Heading, Spatial Awareness and more.

To Get Started

  1. Book a trial group session (optional). Click here

  2. Complete the training form below for program prices and more info.

Click the button to access our calendar and select a suitable day and time for your player based on their age group.